Rides and Clinics and Comments, Oh My!
Hoo boy if the blog comments are any indication then everyone is getting fired up for 'cross - see the Babble Blog for details. So...there are no excuses for not being prepared for CX this year, what with all the CX-related activities going on already. There are 2 more weekly rides added in Santa Cruz and Palo Alto (Velo Girls), and note the SF ride has changed time. Also, some newly-added activities to the Calendar include: the Sagebrush (Reno) Series dates, the weekly "Fall Flash MTB Series" with a CX category (Weds outside Sac), Velo Bella Clinics (Oct 14 & 28), and the Sycip clinic (by yours truly, Oct 21). Also, there are rumors of at least one new race and venue coming in October, and we still haven't heard from Bob Liebold about the East Bay Series.