Free Clinics!
As in Free CYCLOCROSS Clinics...
Missing Link's Jon Suzuki and Sacramento's Rich Maile are putting on free clinics starting in the next week. It couldn't be easier to get into CX now...
The Missing Link Clinics will be held on Sunday, August 19th and Sunday, Sept. 9th at the Berkeley Marina. This Sunday's clinic will have a special guest instructor: multi World's team member, Gina Hall. Here are Jon's clinic details.
The Sacramento Clinics will be held on Tuesdays from 8/21-9/11 at Glen Hall Park in Sacramento and be run by former USGP Masters Champion Rich Maile. Here are details for the Sacto clinic.
Missing Link's Jon Suzuki and Sacramento's Rich Maile are putting on free clinics starting in the next week. It couldn't be easier to get into CX now...
The Missing Link Clinics will be held on Sunday, August 19th and Sunday, Sept. 9th at the Berkeley Marina. This Sunday's clinic will have a special guest instructor: multi World's team member, Gina Hall. Here are Jon's clinic details.
The Sacramento Clinics will be held on Tuesdays from 8/21-9/11 at Glen Hall Park in Sacramento and be run by former USGP Masters Champion Rich Maile. Here are details for the Sacto clinic.